Time Finds Me

Time found me on a bridge.
He saw my face.
He saw my fear…

Time asks, “Do you plan to jump?”

I look into his eyes. His soul is cloudy. But not the kind of clouds you expect before a storm. No. His storm was over, but the clouds still linger. Gray-blue clouds circling a stark, black hole. Like dropped ink floating in an ocean. I know Beauty lives beyond that surface. I wonder if Pain does too. Time stands without motion while I drift in my thoughts.

I finally answer him, “I am scared. What if it’s too cold?”

“How much colder will you let it get before you allow me to warm you?”

“…But what if it gets too hot?”

“Then you will boil over,” Time tells me,

“and you will become something else.”


(Excerpt from “A Love Story with Time,” K. Lou aka “drinkinganddiving”)

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